This follow-up face-to-face course focuses on the practical aspects for participants who attended the theoretical part of 'Coccyx Pain' online. The focus is on the clinical examination, treatment and exercises prescription skills, using clear clinical reasoning for a patient presenting with coccyx pain. A framework will be proposed to distinguish between different types of coccyx pain in a biopsychosocial approach. The management plan will be explored in depth with both manual techniques (internal and external) and more extensive exercise prescription Additionally, this course will discuss coccyx pain during pregnancy and postpartum and which techniques and exercises are useful.
- To be able to conduct a targeted, effective patient interview
- To be able to implement a biopsychosocial framework, including screening tools and pivoting management based on findings
- The ability to conduct a targeted clinical assessment and to distinguish between different types of coccyx pain
- To implement an integrated treatment plan taking into account a biopsychosocial approach
- To implement effective manual therapy, including internal and external myofascial techniques
- To prescribe an individual exercise program adapted to assessment findings and patient goals
- How to manage pre and post-natal patients presenting with coccyx pain
Kinesitherapeuten met interesse in de pelvische reëducatie en perinatale kinesitherapie die reeds eerder deelgenomen hebben aan de online opleiding 'Coccyx Pain'
Pro-Q Kine 14 ptn
320€ (exclusief btw), 30% korting indien betaling met KMO-Portefeuille (bij uw aanvraag dient u te opteren voor het thema 'beroepsspecifieke competenties')
Syllabus, lunch en koffiepauzes.